Valley of the Kings Cemetery and the secrets of the kings of the Pharaohs Part 2

وادي الملوك

مقبرة وادي الملوك واسرار ملوك الفراعنة الجزء الثاني

 وفي مطلع القرن العشرين، حصل المحامي الأمريكي ثيودور ديفيس على إذن بالبحث واستكشاف المنطقة من الحكومة المصرية، ونجح فريقه بقيادة عالم المصريات البريطاني إدوارد راسل أيرتون في اكتشاف العديد من المقابر الملكية وغير الملكية (بما في ذلك المقبرة 43، المقبرة 46 والمقبرة 57). وعثروا على دليل على مقبرة عصر العمارنة في المقبرة 55، ثم استخرجوا رفات توت عنخ آمون المدفون من المقبرتين مقبرة 54 ومقبرة 58 وأعلنوا انتهاء التنقيب في وادي الملوك إلى الأبد ولا توجد آثار أخرى. أو المقابر يمكن العثور عليها في هذا الكتاب الذي أعده ديفيس NF Seh ونشره عام 1912 تحت عنوان مقابر حورمحب وتوت عنخ آمون .
بعد وفاة ديفيس في أوائل عام 1915، مُنح جورج هربرت (إيرل كيرنرفون الخامس) امتياز البحث والتنقيب في وادي الملوك وعين هوارد كارتر رئيسًا لفريقه من المستكشفين، وبالفعل تمكن الفريق من العثور على مقبرة توت عنخ آمون الحقيقية والمعروفة بالمقبرة 62 في نوفمبر من عام 1922.،

واستمرت العديد من البعثات الكشفية في أعمال التنقيب والبحث حتى الآن وأضافت الكثير من المعلومات والحقائق عن هذه المنطقة حتى جاء مشروع تخطيط طيبة عام 2001 وقام بوضع عدد من اللوحات الإرشادية التي توفر الكثير من المعلومات وخرائط المقابر المفتوحة
وادي الملوك
KV57: مقبرة حورمحب
The first tombs were constructed within the cracks above the slopes of the stone collapses and below waterfalls that were previously fed by rainwater (e.g. cemeteries Cemetery 34 and Cemetery 43), and as this area was exhausted, the tombs began to be built on the valley itself and gradually returned to the slopes again. When the flood deposits began to fill the valley floor, this theory is evidenced by the finding of two cemeteries; cemetery 62 and cemetery 63 built on the valley floor.
The tombs were designed as a long descending corridor engraved into the rocks, penetrating one or more corridors (similar to the journey of the sun god toward the underworld) and ending at the burial chamber. Initially, these corridors spin at least 90 degrees once during their march toward the burial chamber (such as the cemetery). The burial chamber was cartouche-shaped, especially in the more ancient and early tombs constructed in the Valley of the Kings (this can also be seen inside the tomb of Thutmose IV). This design was known in the construction of the tombs as the “curved axis” system. The completion of the buried mummy fills the top part of the corridor At the end of the Amarna period, the “curved axis” system of tomb design began to be abandoned, and engineers began to gradually design more straight graves relying on the “jogged axis” system in the central part of the tomb. (The tomb of 57 of Horemheb is an ideal example of this design and is one of the tombs that are open to visitors at times) until they adopted the system of "straight axis" in the construction of tombs for the late 19th and 20th dynasty kings (as in the two tombs) And the tomb of Ramses 6 The tilt angle of the corridors diminished so that the inclination disappeared completely in the tombs of the kings of the Twentieth Dynasty. Down the burial chamber and then added to these wells a religious magic color, where it was considered wells swallow the souls of thieves and thieves in the tombs of kings and also fool the soul of the deceased to his body, and although this well was not dug inside some of the tombs of the twentieth family, but the room that used to dig well Inside it has been found in those graves.
The tombs were rich in the contents inside, which are all the needs of the deceased, which will enable him a comfortable life in the afterlife, as the tombs included many magical mourning such as Alashbti as well as statues of the gods, and tombs included some of the possessions of the king in his first life (such as the pair of slippers of Tutankhamun) Beside some collectibles that are specifically designed to be buried with the king.
To number the tombs marks
KV is used before each number to encode the tombs discovered, and the letters abbreviated to the words 'Kings' Valley, meaning the Valley of the Kings in English, and tombs were numbered according to the priority of discovery; from the tomb of Ramses VII cemetery 1 or KV1 to cemetery 63 (KV63), which was discovered in 2005 regardless Many tombs have long been discovered except the graveyard 5, which was rediscovered in the 1990s (ignored by its original discoverers and considered not of major historical significance), while the WV literal used a number to encode the tombs discovered. In the western valley, although they follow the same system The numbering followed in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings (the two letters abbreviated for the words West Valley, meaning the Western Valley in English), although the abbreviation KV has been circulated to all the tombs discovered in the Valley of the Kings in two parts;
 There are some unoccupied tombs, others have not yet identified their owners in addition to some excavations in the ground that were used for storage. Most open tombs are located in the eastern valley of the Kings, where there are the most frequent tourists to this area in addition to the necessary facilities.

The eastern valley includes most of the tombs, which is most visited by tourists who come to the area.
In the western valley, there are two royal tombs, one for "Amenhotep the Third" and the other for "Ai".
وادي الملوك
1 - The tomb of King "Tutankhamun" in the Valley of the Kings on the western mainland in Luxor
 Here is the most famous and richest cemetery in the world, where many of the precious and wonderful monuments that stunned the world. Funerary furniture was found in its entirety (more than 5000 pieces). The tomb was dug in the low valley of Ramses VI, which built his tomb next to the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was one of the factors that helped to keep the tomb of Tutankhamun intact from the thieves. Until it was discovered in 1922 in one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the world and the tomb of King "Tutankhamun" is the most famous and the richest cemetery in the world now, and its treasures and art of good witness to that and at the entrance to the second door of the cemetery there is an ample room where the furniture Over some. Most were painted in bright gold, including beautiful boxes inlaid with ivory and ebony, others with a hunting and war scene, some chairs, beds, royal carts, marble vessels, and statues of various shapes and colors. (Moved in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo). At the end of that room are two painted wooden statues as if they were guarding the contents of the second room. (Quoted in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo).

 The second chamber is the burial chamber, in which four booths are found, some of them inside of wood covered with gold plates. It was surrounded by the stone sarcophagus, which is still in place for now. Inside this sarcophagus were three sarcophagi in the form of a human being.

 The mummy of King Tutankhamun remains in place with a wooden coffin covered with gold foil. There are beautiful paintings and inscriptions on the walls of the room, including a drawing of King Tutankhamun and his successor on the throne, King A, who became king after King Tutankhamun.

 There is a picture of Tutankhamun standing in the middle of the wall in the hands of Nut, the goddess of heaven, who makes health and life. On the right wall, there is a view of the cabin that contained the body of King Tutankhamun carried on a creeping pull by the nobles and the courtiers. A small side is connected to the burial chamber, and a similar room is connected to the outer lobby. They had some wonderful funerary furniture.
وادي الملوك
2 - the tomb of King "City I" in the Valley of the Kings on the western mainland in Luxor
 Engraved in the rock, and a depth of about 30 meters, and engravings on a large side of beauty, and these inscriptions in some parts of the prominent large drawings represent the king worshiping in front of the gods that receive and welcome him.
 This tomb is carved in the rock of Mount Valley of the Kings of the most important tombs because it contains the largest number of funerary books and decorations. One of the most prominent is the roof, which appears to cover the throne and shows the privileged relationship of the god "Ra". After a few hundred meters, the vestibule ends in a hall with beautiful columns, where all the inscriptions retain their bright, bright colors. In the center of this hall was a low place for the laying of the king's coffin made of alabaster, which was transferred to a London museum.
 This part of the hall is covered by a dome, which looks like a sky and is a dark blue in the dark, with the sun towers known as the animals that symbolize the towers. An adjoining hall is made of stone seats. Their purpose is to store furniture. Its walls are covered with beautiful inscriptions representing the sun on its journey to the afterlife.
There are also two rooms whose walls are carved with religious inscriptions, some of which are still beautifully colored. On the right side of the foyer is another side chamber, on which the story of the destruction of mankind is inscribed.
وادي الملوك
                                                   tomb of King "Amenhotep II  3 - the tomb of King "Amenhotep II" seventh kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty in the Valley of the Kings
 It consists of a steep corridor that ends with a false well to mislead thieves and to protect the cemetery from heavy rain. After this well is located on the right side room. There is also another carving-free hall facing the entrance. On the left side is a corridor leading to the burial chamber containing the sarcophagus. Its roof was raised on six columns, the sides of which were decorated with the image of the king in the hands of the gods of the dead: "Ozer", "Hathor" and "Anubis".
 Its roof is similar to the sky in the blue of its color, and the spread of bright stars in it. The walls were covered with elaborate pictures painted in yellow on a yellow floor. It even imagines the beholder manuscripts of papyrus filled with pictures and hung on the walls. Most of these inscriptions are scenes and texts of the book "What in the Lower World."
 This room is connected by several side rooms that were specially prepared for the funerary furniture and later used as a hideout to save the mummies of some of the pharaohs who were transferred to this cemetery during the twenty-first dynasty under the supervision of the high priest B-Najm.
The tomb of the eldest son of Ramses II and his successor was discovered on the throne of Egypt; Merenptah, a 160-meter-long tomb that ends in a burial chamber in which four intertwined sarcophagi, three other wooden sarcophagi, were found inside the walls of the tomb.
Topped with finely decorated motifs, it is open to visitors most of the year.
 Ramesses the Elder, the son of Seti I and his successor, established a huge cemetery, the 7th cemetery. His father, Seti I, was both of the same length.
 Sitt Nakht was the first king of the Twentieth Dynasty and found two separate tombs. The last queen of the nineteenth dynasty was entrusted and ordered to complete the work and create a second burial chamber to become one of the largest royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings and an area of ​​more than 150 meters.
Tomb of Ramesses the Third.
 The tomb of Ramses III (known as the tomb of the harpists for the inscriptions of the instrumentalists of this instrument) is also one of the largest tombs in the region and is open to visitors and contains many of the bright and colorful paintings very beautiful, making this tomb a permanent tourist attraction.
 The tombs and successors of Ramses III built their tombs using the same design (straight axis design) and the tombs contained almost the same inscriptions. The walls of the tomb are also decorated with paintings inspired by numerous religious texts, and the tomb is the few new tombs that remain in good condition. Also known as Memnon Cemetery, which is characterized by exquisite ornamentation inspired by religious texts, this cemetery has been discovered for a long time and opened its doors to visitors from everywhere, which explains the existence of many inscriptions on its walls in various languages ​​such as ancient Greek, Latin, and Coptic, has led the excavation and detection The cemetery in addition to the work of building the huts of the workers to obliterate the features of the tomb of Tutankhamun and perhaps this is the reason for keeping the cemetery from early detection and tampering with its contents.
وادي الملوك
Tomb of Ramses IX.
The tombs of the same cemetery (6) of Ramses IX, one of the tombs discovered in the past, which explains the presence of Roman and Coptic inscriptions on the walls of the cemetery, which is located in the middle of the valley between the two cemeteries Cemetery 5 and Cemetery 55, and extends the tomb for a distance of 105 meters on the side of the plateau On many side cabins that were not decorated or even finished, the tomb features the wheel in the engraving and inscription (the inscription is incomplete after the first half of the tomb) indicating that it was not prepared at the time of the king's death and was never even finished. There was no burial chamber and the Estee was King reported additional buried in the lobby of the columns, which was completed at that time.
Another cemetery from the tombs of the same period is the 19th cemetery of Mentouherkhef (son of Ramses IX), a small cemetery with an incomplete corridor but with high-relief inscriptions.
With the end of the modern state, Egypt entered a long period of political and economic collapse, where the kings weakened and lost control over most of the southern regions, declaring the demise of the era of the Ramesses and the establishment of the state of priests in Thebes, which ruled most parts of Upper Egypt, while the dominant part of the kings of Egypt to include Lower Egypt only. After they took the city of San Al-Hajar as their capital, attempts to use the open tombs started by Benozum I, the high priest of Amun Battiba during the reign of the eleventh Egyptian family, who added his cartouche to the cemetery 4, and with the succession of years increased looting in the valley, prompting priests Amun opened most graves and moved all the mummies to three other graves in order to provide greater protection for those bodies. They also removed all the necklaces and gold bracelets from the mummies to ward off the danger of thieves and later transferred most of these mummies to one cemetery in the Deir al-Bahari area. (Known as Deir el-Bahari cache), specifically in the rocky crevices of the hills overlooking the famous Temple of Hatshepsut, this mass grave contained a large group of unregulated royal mummies, many of which were placed in coffins other than their own coffins. So far, many of the mummies have not been identified. Other mummies have been transferred to a mass cemetery in the tomb of Amenhotep the Second (Cemetery 35), where more than a dozen royal mummies have been found.
 The tombs were robbed during the undeclared civil war during the reign of Ramses IX, where the tombs were opened and the mummies were recovered and their precious belongings were stripped and finally all were pushed to two major cemeteries; the first in the royal tomb of Amenhotep the second where sixteen mummies and the rest in the tomb Amenhotep I, and in the next few years, all these mummies were transferred to the cemetery of the monastery of Deir el-Bahari, which found more than forty royal mummies in addition to their coffins, and only the tombs that could not reach, specifically the tomb of Tutankhamen Wen tomb of Yuya and Tiuyo cemetery 63 newly discovered tomb although Almcyprta Tutankhamun and Yuya and Tiuyo have been Aguethamanma following the burial of their companions shortly. And if you do not suffer any harm.

With the second part of the Valley of the Kings and a group of tombs of the kings of the Pharaohs rich information about the mysteries and mysteries and murals tell us a lot about the Pharaonic civilization and also together we get to know later on the Valley of the Queens to form a good idea exciting through the reader about this ancient Pharaonic civilization, after the second part of the Valley of the Kings We will also get to know the Valley of the Rich Queens with lots of information and secrets about the Queens of the Pharaohs.

Article Source:

Website Pharao
Temple of Abu Simbel Nubia


معبد الكرنك الجزء الأول
معابد الكرنك والملوك الفراعنة الجزء الثاني
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وادي الملوك مقبرة واسرار ملوك الفراعنة الجزء الأول

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