Temple of Abu Simbel Nubia

Abu Simbel Temple

Abu Simbel Temple

Abu Simbel is an archaeological site located on the west bank of Lake Nasser about 290 km southwest of Aswan. It is one of the sites of the Nuba Monuments listed in the UNESCO list of archaeological sites and World Heritage sites. Which begins at the direction of the river flow from Abu Simbel Temple to Philae Temple (near Aswan).
The double temples were originally carved from the mountains during the reign of King Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, as a permanent monument to him and the beloved queen Nefertari, to celebrate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh. In 1960, however, the facilities complex was totally relocated, on an artificial hill made of a dome structure, and above the Aswan High Dam reservoir.
The temples had to be moved to avoid being drowned during the construction of Lake Nasser, and a huge artificial water tank was built after the Aswan High Dam was built on the Nile. Abu Simbel remains one of the best tourist areas filled with monuments and monuments
Construction of the temple complex began in about 1244 BC and lasted for approximately 21 years, until 1223 BC. Known as the "Temple of Ramses" beloved by Amon ", it is one of the six rock temples in Nubia erected during the reign of Ramses II. Their purpose is to influence the neighboring countries of southern Egypt and also to enhance the status of Egyptian religion in the region. Historians say the design Abu Simbel expresses some pride in Ramses II, and Abu Simbel differs from Abu Simbel displacement, which is an extension of the tourist Abu Simbel, but about 366 kilometers south of Aswan
Over time, the temples were abandoned and thus became covered by sand. By then during the 6th century BC, the sand covered the statues of the main temple up to the knees. The temple was forgotten until 1813 when Swiss Orientalist JL Borchardt found the main temple promenade. Borchardt spoke about the discovery with his Italian counterpart, explorer Giovanni Bellunzi, who traveled together to the site but were unable to dig an entrance to the temple. Belonzi returned in 1817, but this time he succeeded in trying to enter the complex. He took everything he could hold with him. Tour guides at the site link the legend of Abu Simbel, that he was a young local boy who led explorers back to the site early for the buried temple, which he saw from time to time in quicksand. Eventually, they named Abu Simbel the temple after his name.
Abu Simbel Temple

Move the complex
A model showing the original table, the current location of the temple (relative to the water level)
An international donation campaign to save the monument from [explain who is meant?] Began in 1959: the ancient southern ruins of this human civilization were under threat from the rising waters of the Nile, which was about to result from the construction of the Aswan High Dam.،
The rescue of the Abu Simbel temples began in 1964, costing $ 40 million. Between 1964 and 1968, the whole site was cut into large blocks (up to 30 tons and on average 20 tons), dismantled and re-installed in a new site at a height of 65 m and 200 m above the river level, considered to be one of the greatest works of archaeological engineering. Some structures were rescued from under the waters of Lake Nasser. Today, thousands of tourists visit the temples do every day. Convoys of buses and escorted cars leave twice a day from Aswan, the nearest city. Many visitors arrive by plane at the airport, which was built specifically for the temple complex.

Society consists of two temples. The eldest is dedicated to three goddesses of Egypt at the time: Ra-Harakhti, Ptah, and Amun. The smaller temple is dedicated to the god Hathor, embodied by Nefertari, Ramses' most loving wife to his heart.
Abu Simbel Temple
Great Temple
Close to one of the huge statues of Ramesses II, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt
The construction of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel took nearly twenty years and was completed in about 24 years of the reign of Ramesses the Great (which is equivalent to 1265 BC). It was dedicated to the god Amun, Ra-Harakhti, Ptah, as well as to Ramesses. It is generally considered the finest and most beautiful temples commissioned during the reign of Ramses II, and one of the most beautiful in Egypt.

Four huge pharaoh statues of up to 20 meters in length with Atef's double crown of the sea and tribal sides to decorate the facade of the temple, which is 35 meters wide, lined with a cornice in which 22 monkeys of baboons, the entrance is surrounded by sun worshipers. The huge statues were carved directly from the rocks in which the temple was located before it was moved. All statues represent Ramesses the Second sitting on the throne and wearing the double crown of the sea and tribal faces of Egypt. The statue to the left of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake, leaving only the bottom of the statue intact. The head and torso can be seen under the feet of the statue.
Next to the legs of the huge statue, there are small statues at the knees of the pharaoh. Thus, Queen Nefertari is the principal wife of Ramses, Queen Mother Mutai, and has two sons Amun Har Khabashf, Ramses, and has six daughters Bintanath - Paktmut - Nefertari - Meritaman - Neptawi - and Astenofrt.
The portal itself is crowned with a small inscription, representing two images of the king worshiping the hawk-headed shepherd of Harakhti, whose statue stands in a large niche. This god holds in his right hand holding the hieroglyphic art of Egyptian pharaonic writing used and feather while holding in his left hand Maat goddess of truth and justice. This is no less than a plant of the Azharite plant of the giant Ramesses II and the name of the throne used Maat-RI. At the top of the front of the building is crowned by a row of 22 baboons with their arms raised in the air, presumably worshiping the rising sun. Another notable feature of the facade of the building is a plaque in which Ramses' marriage to King Hatsili's third daughter, which led to peace between Egypt and the Hittites, is recorded.
One of the eight columns in the main hall of the temple, as Ramesses II Osiris shows
The interior of the temple has the same triple design as most ancient Egyptian temples, with a decrease in the size of the rooms from the entrance of the temple. The temple is a very complex and unusual structure due to its many side cabins. The Hypostyle Hall (sometimes called Pronaus) is 18 meters long and 16.7 meters wide and is supported by eight massive Osirid columns depicting the defiant Ramses associated with the god Osiris, the god of hell, symbolizing the eternal nature of the pharaoh. Huge statues along the wall on the left, bear the white crown of the tribal face, while those on the opposite side wear the double crown of the sea and tribal faces (pschent). On the lower part of the walls of Bruneus are images of scenes of battles the governor waged in military campaigns. The statue is for the battle of Kadesh on the Orontes River called on this day Syria, in which the King of Egypt fought against King Hyon. The most famous inscription shows the king on a darts cart firing arrows against captive fugitives. Many other scenes show Egyptian victories in Libya and Nubia.
Abu Simbel Temple
Abu Simbel Temple from the inside

From the Hypostyle Hall, we enter the second hall pillars which have four corners decorated with beautiful scenes of performances of the gods. There are pictures of Ramses and Nefertari with the sacred boats of Amun and Ra-Harakhti. This hall gives access to a transverse lobby in the middle from which the entrance is to the temple. Here, on a black wall, there are pieces of rock carvings of four seated statues: Ra-Horakhty, Ramesses the deified king, the gods Amun-Ra and Petah-Re-Horkarty, Amun-Ra, and Ptah were the principal deities of the period, and the centers of the sect in Heliopolis, Thebes, and Memphis respectively.

Abu Simbel Temple
Abu Simbel Temple from the inside The axis of the temple was put in place by the ancient Egyptian architect in such a way that twice a year on October 22 and February 21, sunlight penetrates the temple and sheds light on the statue and appears on the back wall, except for the statue of Ptah, the god was tied to hell, which always remained in the dark. It is said that these dates are the occasion of the King's birthday and the day of his coronation, but there is no evidence to support this, although it is quite logical to assume that some of these dates have to do with a major event, such as the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the reign of Pharaoh. In fact, according to calculations conducted on the basis of the solar altitude of the star of Sirius (Sothis) and inscriptions found by archaeologists, the date should have been October 22. This image of the king was enhanced and energized by the solar energy of the star, and the deified Ramesses the Great could take his place next to Amun-Ra-Horakhti.
Because of the relocation of the temple, it is widely believed that this event is now happening one day late than it was originally.
Temple of Queen Nefertari the Great Little temple
Temple of Queen Nefertari the Great Little temple
The Temple of Hathor and Nefertari, also known as the Little Temple, was built about a hundred meters northeast of the Temple of Ramses II and was dedicated to the goddess Hathor Hathor, Ramses II, and his wife Nefertari. In fact, this is the second time in ancient Egyptian history that a temple has been dedicated to the queen. The first time was when Akhenaten dedicated a temple to his wife, the great Queen Nefertiti. The rocks on the façade are decorated with two groups of giants, separated by a large gate. The statues rise a little more than ten meters to the king and queen. On the other side of the gate are two statues of the king, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt (huge for the south) and the double crown (huge for the north); these statues are surrounded by statues of the queen and king. What is truly surprising is that for the first time in Egyptian art, the statue of the king and queen are equal in size.
Abu Simbel Temple
Temple of Abu Simbel from inside Traditionally, statues of queens are standing next to the pharaoh, but they are not taller than his knees. This exception to the rule has long attested, the value of Queen Nefertari in the heart of King Ramses who went to Abu Simbel with his beloved wife in the 24th year of his reign. There are also small statues of princes and princesses beside their parents. In this case they are in a balanced position: on the south side (on the left when they are facing the gate), from left to right, the princes Mariam and Bitter, the Princesses of Meritamen and Hentawi, the princes of Rhayeronmv, and Amun Har Khabashf, while they are located in the north side but in order reverse. The design of the small temple is a simplified version of the great temple.
Abu Simbel Temple
Temple of Abu Simbel perpendicular to the sun on the face of Ramses II,

The gods (left) and Horus (right) set in small Ramesses adoration at the Temple of Abu Simbel
The Great Temple is dedicated to the king, a hypostyle bubble or bronchus mounted on six columns; in this case, they are not Osiris columns that show the king, but are decorated with scenes of the queen playing with the Sinister (a sacred instrument of the goddess Hathor), along with the gods of Horus, Khnum, Khonsu, Thoth, the goddess Hazor, Isis, Maat, Death of Asher, Satis, and Tawart; in one scene of Ramses he presents flowers or burning incense. The main pillars bear the face of the goddess Hathor; this type of pillar is known as the Hathurk. In the pillars, hall prominence illustrates the deification of the king, the destruction of his enemies in the north and south (in these scenes King Trav.
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Article Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Simbel_temples

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